Cloud SQL basics

Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud Platform.

Install and Import the dependencies

!pip install pymysql \ import pymysql

Create Cloud SQL Instance

  • Unlike Bigquery and GCS, Cloud SQL is not a managed service and requires creation from the user. The user will be billed only for the resources used.
  • Follow the steps provided here to create a new Cloud SQL instance in your project.
  • Once the Cloud SQL instance starts running do following from GCP Console:
  1. Create a new user, remember the username and password. \
  2. Create a new database. \
  3. Save the Instance Connection name from Instance description. \

Download SQL proxy

The Cloud SQL Proxy provides secure access to your Cloud SQL Second Generation instances without having to whitelist IP addresses or configure SSL.

In [ ]:
!wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
!chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy

Invoke Cloud SQL proxy without using any authentication

In [ ]:
!./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>=tcp:3306 &

Invoke Cloud SQL proxy using any Service account JSON

In [ ]:
!./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>=tcp:3306 \
                  -credential_file=<PATH_TO_KEY_FILE> &

Initialize a connection

To use the Cloud SQL client library, start by initializing a pymysql connection. The connection is used to establish a bridge between your machine running JupyterLab and Cloud SQL instance

Run the following to create a connection:

In [ ]:
import pymysql

# TODO(developer): 
# Change USERNAME and PASSWORD to the user and password created on Cloud SQL instance
# Set DB to the name of the database to be connected to

connection = pymysql.connect(host='',

Create a cursor for this connection to interact with the database.

In [ ]:
mycursor = connection.cursor()

Create a new table

In [ ]:
mycursor.execute("create table EMPLOYEE ( \
   EMP_ID bigint not null, \
   EMP_NAME varchar(50) not null, \
   EMP_NO varchar(20) not null, \
   HIRE_DATE date not null, \
   IMAGE longblob, \
   JOB varchar(30) not null, \
   SALARY float not null, \
   DEPT_ID integer not null, \
   MNG_ID bigint, \
   primary key (EMP_ID), \
   unique (EMP_NO) \

Insert value in the table

In [ ]:
mycursor.execute("insert into EMPLOYEE (EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, EMP_NO, HIRE_DATE, JOB, SALARY, DEPT_ID, MNG_ID) \
values (7839, 'KING', 'E7839', Str_To_Date('17-11-1981', '%d-%m-%Y'), 'PRESIDENT', 5000, 10, null);")

Read value from the table

In [ ]:
mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE")

Do other SQL operations using cursor

  • The cursor provides the execute() method to execute any SQL query
  • Cursor also provides fetchone() and fetchall() methods to display either just one row or all the rows from the result of the query, if any

In [ ]:
#Execute a SQL command
# Display all the rows from output of the previous execution using fetchall()
# Display only one row from output of the previous execution using fetchall()